Fireside Chat: The Current Threat Landscape, Human Impact and Lessons from Other Countries

Vietnam Cybersecurity – Threats and Resolutions On the 6 October 2021, W.Media hosted a fireside chat with Thomas Chanussot on: “The current threat landscape, human impact and lessons from other countries”. Thomas Chanussot is a highly esteemed ICT expert with over 20 years of leadership experience in the field of Information Security governance. His expertise […]

VN Panel: Securing Your Business Now and in the Post-COVID World

Vietnam Cybersecurity – Threats and Resolutions On the 6 October 2021, W.Media hosted a panel discussion on: “Securing Your Business Now and in the Post-COVID World” focusing on the Vietnam region. Join the discussion with experts: Panelists:Philip Hung Cao, Cybersecurity StrategistRobert Trong Tran, Cyber & Technology Risk Leader, EY VietnamToan Nguyen, Head of IT Security, […]

FontOnLake Malware to Attack Linux users in Southeast Asia: ESET

Researchers from security firm ESET have discovered a previously unknown malware family that utilises custom and well-designed modules, targeting operating systems running Linux. Modules used by this malware family, which ESET dubbed FontOnLake, are constantly under development and provide remote access to the operators, collect credentials, and serve as a proxy server. The location of […]