A Cloudflare outage, has hit several services such as Crunchyroll, Feedly, Zerodha, Medium.com, news outlet Register, Upstox and Social Blade, Discord, Omegle and DoorDash. The internet infrastructure firm said it is investigating the “wide-spread” issue, but it’s unclear what all regions are impacted.
“Users may experience errors or timeouts reaching Cloudflare’s network or services,” said the firm, which suffered an outage in some parts of the world last week as well. John Graham-Cumming, CTO of Cloudflare, said on a Hacker News thread that it’s not a worldwide outage, but “a lot of places” are impacted. “Problem with our backbone. We know what. Rollbacks etc. happening,” he said. This was reported by TechCrunch.
Users have indicated that Coinbase, Shopify, and League of Legends are also facing issues, according to DownDetector, a crowdsourced web monitoring tool that tracks outages. At the time of publishing, it was undetermined whether the attack was a DDoS (Denial of Service), a normal outage or whether any hackers brought it down.
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